Quotation Explorer - 'Tanya Masse'

Growing up is the dumbest thing I ever wanted to rush into. - Tanya Masse
Stay HIGH on AWESOMENESS so reality cannot destroy you! - Tanya Masse
If you forget where you came from, you've gone too far. - Tanya Masse
Don't ever let anyone bring you down, define who you are or destroy your AWESOMENESS. - Tanya Masse
No REGRETS. Just LESSONS learned, BLESSINGS recognized and HUMOR found. - Tanya Masse
I'm quite certain that if I lost my sense of humor, it would most definitely need to be replaced by a padded cell. - Tanya Masse
My bed is the magical place where I love to overthink like a PSYCHO. - Tanya Masse
You know you’ve officially hit a midlife crisis when you finally start feeling like you have your life together and your body starts falling apart! - Tanya Masse
A wise man once said NOTHING... He just let her vent, nodded his head and live happily ever after! - Tanya Masse
If one door closes and another door opens, chances are your house is haunted. - Tanya Masse
If you change your way of thinking and being, you will change your way of seeing. - Tanya Masse
I don’t need a personal trainer… I need someone to stalk me and threaten to kick my ass when I eat and drink stuff I’m not supposed to! - Tanya Masse
You should base everything on what you see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears and feel with your own heart. Period. Always believe what you KNOW about a person, not what you HEAR. - Tanya Masse
I’m pretty sure that my Restless Leg Syndrome is simply caused my body just fighting the urge to RUN AWAY! - Tanya Masse
Sometimes the MOM who's always there for everyone else, needs someone to be there for HER. - Tanya Masse
Marry the person who gives you the same feeling you get when you take the very first sip of COFFEE in the morning! - Tanya Masse
AWESOME things come to those who focus on the positive, recognize the blessings, find the humor and never give up! - Tanya Masse
When the power of LOVE is more important than the love of money, religion and power, and people realize that the most important things in this life are NOT things,the world will finally know peace. - Tanya Masse
If there ever comes a time that you forget where you came from, you've gone too far. - Tanya Masse
Your RELIGION does not make you a good person. Your BEHAVIOR does. - Tanya Masse
We are often so worried about what is going to happen that we can't enjoy what is happening NOW. - Tanya Masse
A beautiful face will age and a perfect body will change, but an awesome person will always be an awesome person. - Tanya Masse
Behind every successful woman are people who bring out the best in her, encourage her and cheer her on! - Tanya Masse
Do not, for one more minute, spend your precious time and energy on or surround yourself with people who are less than you deserve. - Tanya Masse
INTEGRITY...Choosing your thoughts, words and actions based on what’s right rather than what’s in it for you. - Tanya Masse
Gratitude makes you a better, stronger, wiser person. Ingratitude makes you a negative, angry, miserable person. Which person do you choose to be? - Tanya Masse
Eliminate all unnecessary negativity from your life and watch it change for the better. - Tanya Masse
Raising a child is a time of RAPID CHANGE! From the ages of 0 to 19, a PARENT can age over 30 years! - Tanya Masse
Life isn't about knowing your purpose, it's about creating it. - Tanya Masse
Two things define you, your attitude when you are at your worst and your attitude when you are at your best. - Tanya Masse
Your opinion should be based on what you see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears & feel with your own heart. - Tanya Masse
Motherhood is a constant battle of wanting to go to bed early so you can catch up on sleep and wanting to stay awake so you can enjoy some peace and sanity! - Tanya Masse
The things you should value most in this life are NOT things. - Tanya Masse
My bed is the magical place I love to overthink like a PSYCHO. - Tanya Masse
I don’t care who you love, what you believe, how you look, where you’re from or what you do. If you are a good hearted person, you’re good in my books! - Tanya Masse
Hope for the best,brace yourself for the worst and no matter what you’re faced with, make a plan to KEEP GOING! - Tanya Masse
Sometimes LIFE is rough and tough. That's still NO excuse for you to be. - Tanya Masse
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